On October 5, 2017, The New York Times published an investigative report discussing years of sexual assault allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. In the past few weeks, social media has provided a thought provoking platform for women to discuss their experiences. Thus, launching the # MeToo Movement.
What is the # MeToo Movement?
Sexual assault takes place far more often than we would like to think. Through this movement we are starting to see just how many people have been affected by it, especially in the workplace. By means of social media platforms across the internet, victims of sexual assault are hash-tagging # MeToo in their posts. This has been a way of finally speaking out, and in turn creating a staggering amount of awareness on the subject. This break of silence has sent the media into a frenzy. It is also begging the question; what do we do now?
# MeToo Movement: Awareness Through Recognition
The level of awareness that has been created by a community of people recognizing each other for a subject that only they could empathize with. As a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or violence, talking about it is the first step to being able to cope with the situation. Coping with a traumatic experience, as sexual assault truly is, is extremely hard to begin. Some of the leading ways to start are to increase your awareness of the situation, reach out to others, and take advantage of outside resources. All of these tools can to help you to start moving forward in your life.
The # MeToo Movement: It's Not Just For Females
Since the launch of this eye-opening campaign, we have seen and heard women from all over the world speaking up, and joining in. But we mustn't forget that men are also victims of sexual assault. Statistically, they are much lass likely to ever speak out about it due to stigma. It would be to overlook half of the population if we were to say that only one gender has dealt with sexual assault. It is an all-inclusive issue.
Continue creating awareness, continue involving others, and keep the kindness and empathy coming.
The #MeToo Movement: Take Action!
If you or a loved one has been a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or violence, and think you may need legal representation, contact top NYC Lawyer Joe Carbonaro today. Joe has a long history of representing victims of sexual assault in and out of the workplace.